Are you infected?Find out!Here are the best FREE SCANNERS!

    1.Malwarebytes Antimalware  -
    2.SuperAntiSpyware               -

            3.Hitman PRO                        -

4.Dr Web CureIT                  -

If you run a scan whit each one of  these on-deman scanners you will have a CLEAN PC.
Remember : 
UPDATE the database before scaning.
Scan whit only one product at the time.
Remove all the items find and save a log.
Also for infected computers: 
Disconnect from the internet  during the scans.
Go to SAFE whit network (reboot and tap repeatly the F8 key ) - recommended if you can't run one of these in normal mode.....then update the product and do a scan

AVG Free and ZoneAlarm VS MALWARE - video review!

Avast and Threat Fire Combination VS MALWARE - video review!

19 Tips every Windows 7 user needs to know

Your OS drives your whole PC experience, so it's your job as an enthusiast to keep it in a high state of tune

Twist cap carefully. Only pour into Maximum PC-approved computer tanks.

After installing a new OS, most people just jump right in and start driving it through all their favorite applications and games. Makes sense, right? The operating system, after all, should be a background player in the computing experience—a means to an end, with the end being web surfing, content editing, and wanton destruction in the first-person shooter of one’s choice.
The problem, however, is that most people, even a lot of self-described power users, never take the time to really tune the new OS, exploring its menus and setting up the interface for the fastest, most convenient operation based on personal preferences. And as operating systems offer more and more user controls, it’s the curious, performance-minded enthusiast who has the most to gain from tuning an OS to his or her liking.
Read all about it over at MaximumPC
19 Tips Every Windows 7 User Needs to Know 

Coranti 2010 BETA - video review!

This is a new jappanese antivirus solution,check out the review and enjoy!

Tutorial: Speed Up Your Web Surfing with Google DNS or OpenDNS

 If you are still using your ISPs slow DNS servers you are probably suffering needlessly and not taking advantage of the full speed of whichever connection you may have – even high speed ones like cable, DSL or Fiber Optics. And if you don’t know what I’m talking about – this means you!
I’m going to show you how to speed up everything you do online by switching to a better, faster Domain Name Server (DNS) system run by either Google or OpenDNS. Best of all, it will only take you like 5 minutes to make a change that will benefit you every day from now on! But before we get started, let me explain what DNS does for you in non-technical terms.

What is DNS Anyway?

When you launch your Web browser and want to navigate to a new Website, at first your computer doesn’t know where that site is. So what it does is the following:
  1. Looks at your own network settings to determine, “Where are MY DNS servers?
  2. Makes a call to your DNS servers and asks, “Where is this Website I want to go to?
  3. Gets the IP address for the Website you are trying to find, and then heads on over to it.
To complicate matters, it doesn’t just do it one time per Website you go to. Web pages have lots of images, videos and other things embedded in them, and you have to check DNS for each one! So this happens hundreds of times a day when you are online, and it represents a huge opportunity for improvement.

Google DNS vs Open DNS

It’s hard to say which is going to be faster in the wild. OpenDNS seems to respond about twice as fast for sites it has in it’s cache, which will certainly be all the big ones. But Google’s consistency is hard to argue with! Personally, I’ve gone ahead and switched to Google for now. Though OpenDNS has been good for a long time.
The main thing that pushed me over to Google by the way is NOT the speed. But the fact that Google DNS is doing something extra for me now. If you just type in a domain and leave off the .com, .net, or .org Google seems to take a guess at what you are looking for and loads it for you. So if I type in “onemansblog” and hit enter in my browser, it brings me to this site. If you type in something that it can’t find, it takes you to a Google search results page!
Now that we’ve covered that, you are going to need to choose which one you want to use. And you are going to need the IP addresses for the one you’ve chosen. Don’t worry, we’ll get to how to set them up in just a minute…
The Google Public DNS IP addresses are as follows:
The OpenDNS IP addresses are as follows:

How to Configure Your DNS

Now that you’ve made up your mind, the following instructions should help you get your DNS set up to speed up your personal browsing experience.

Microsoft Windows

DNS settings are specified in the TCP/IP Properties window for the selected network connection.

  1. Go the Control Panel.
  2. Click Network and Internet, then Network and Sharing Center, then Manage network connections.
  3. Select the connection for which you want to configure DNS. For example:
    • To change the settings for an Ethernet connection, right-click Local Area Connection, and
      click Properties.
    • To change the settings for a wireless connection, right-click Wireless Network Connection, and click Properties.
    If you are prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation.
  4. Select the Networking tab. Under This connection uses the following items, clickInternet
    Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)
    , and then click Properties.
  5. Click Advanced and select the DNS tab. If there are any DNS server IP addresses listed there, write them down for future reference, and remove them from this window.
  6. Click OK.
  7. Select Use the following DNS server addresses. If there are any IP addresses listed in the Preferred DNS server or Alternate DNS server, write them down for future reference.
  8. Replace those addresses with the IP addresses of the Google DNS servers: and or the OpenDNS servers: and
  9. Restart the connection you selected in step 3.
  10. Repeat the procedure for additional network connections you want to change.
VIDEO:  How to setup OpenDNS

How I’d Hack Your Weak Passwords

I came across a very interesting blog article by John P. about password security.
He warns you of the dangers of a weak password and tells you what you should do.
Well worth reading!

"If you invited me to try and crack your password, you know the one that you use over and over for like every web page you visit, how many guesses would it take before I got it? ...

... pay particular attention to the difference between using only lowercase characters and using all possible characters (uppercase, lowercase, and special characters – like @#$%^&*). Adding just one capital letter and one asterisk would change the processing time for an 8 character password from 2.4 days to 2.1 centuries."

BUY Kaspersky Internet Security 2010 [3-PC, 1-Year] - FOR £19.44


Kaspersky Internet Security 2010 [3-PC, 1-Year]

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Kaspersky Internet Security 2010 - VIDEO REVIEW :

Zillya Antivirus - video review!

Trend Micro Titanium - video Review

MRG: Project 023 (On Demand Scan Test)

MRG: Project 023 (On Demand Scan Test)

MRG has released their latest test. They ran an on demand scan test on 15 anti-malware applications.
"Project Details: On Demand Scan Test

Operating System used: Windows XP Professional Service Pack 3

Number of applications tested: 15

Number of malware samples used: 259.694"
You can download the full report in PDF format here:

Malware Extorts Cash From BitTorrent Users

A new type of malware is riding the wave of file-sharing pre-settlement letters by infecting BitTorrent users’ machines and then demanding payments in order to make imaginary lawsuits go away. ICPP Foundation try to give the impression they are RIAA and MPAA affiliated but the whole thing is a scam to extort cash and obtain credit card details.

Read more  

Windows 7 - How to enable God Mode!

To enter "GodMode," one need only create a new folder and then rename the folder to the following:
Once that is done, the folder's icon will change to resemble a control panel and will contain dozens of control options. I'm not sure it's my idea of playing God, but it is a handy way to get to all kinds of controls.

How to speed up Windows 7!

Download Guide : Optimize Windows 7 for Best Performance.pdf

TEST : Anti-rootkit detection and removal has published their latest test! The test is on anti-rootkit detection and removal
Test results:

Gold Award
1. GMER 1.0.13 (10.5 of 12 points) 
2. VBA32 Antirootkit 3.12 (beta) (10 out of 12 points)

Silver Award
3. RootRepeal 1.3.5 (9 out of 12 points) 
4. Online Solutions Autorun Manager 5.0.11926.0 (8 out of 12 points) 
5. XueTr (8 out of 12 points) 
6. Rootkit Unhooker 3.8.386.589 (7.5 of 12 points) 

Bronze Award
7. SysReveal (6.5 of 12 points) 
8. KernelDetective 1.3.1 (6 out of 12 points) 
9. Sophos Anti-Rootkit 1.5.0 (6 out of 12 points) 

Failed the test
10. Trend Micro RootkitBuster 2.80 (3 out of 12 points) 
11. Eset SysInspector (2.5 of 12 points) 
12. Panda Anti-Rootkit (1.5 of 12 points)

The best anti-rootkit on the test results are recognized GMER and VBA32 Antirootkit, who deservedly received the award Gold Anti-Rootkit Protection Award. Their superiority over the other can be clearly seen in the last three samples of rootkits in table 4.


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